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Camera barcode scanning

As alternative to a physical handheld barcode scanner Scan to Ship includes a scanning option that uses the Shopify app’s built-in camera-based barcode scanning. This can be a convenient option for scanning items on the go within your warehouse. Please note that this option is only available when using the Shopify app on iOS or Android devices.

Although the in-built camera based scanning option is a convenient option, for regular use we strongly recommend investing in physical barcode scanners for their dependability, easy-of-use and ergonomic benefits.

Accessing the camera based barcode scanner

  1. Open the iOS or Android Shopify app.
  2. Navigate to an order in Scan to Ship.
  3. Click “Start Shipping” if necessary.
  4. Click the “Camera” button at the top of the page.

Success/failure sounds

Scan to Ship will play a sound after a barcode scan. These sounds can be enabled or disabled from the Settings page.

A “success” sound indicates that the barcode matched an outstanding item and the shipping quantity was incremented.

A “failure” sound indicates that the barcode did not match any outstanding item or the outstanding quantity for the item has already been scanned (the user is attemting to scan too many items).

Camera scanning within the iOS/Android Shopify App

When accessing Scan to Ship through the Shopify iOS app, Scan to Ship will open the built-in Shopify barcode scanner to scan product barcodes. After scanning a single barcode, the scanner will re-open immediately, ready to scan the next barcode. When all products are scanned, the barcode scanner overlay will remain closed. The scanner overlay will also remain closed if an incorrect barcode is scanned, or too many of the same item are scanned.